The Mental Health in Journalism Summit coincides with the celebration of World Mental Health Day on Oct 10th The nonprofit…
As doing journalism seems to be getting more and more difficult around the world, we have been reflecting with partners and speakers about why it’s so important that we’re hosting the Mental Health in Journalism Summit (8-10 Oct.)
Volvemos con un adelanto del tan esperado programa de la Cumbre de Salud Mental en el Periodismo! Julio y agosto…
We’re back with a sneak peek of the eagerly awaited Mental Health in Journalism Summit program! July and August tend…
In this mega-election year with more than 60 countries hosting elections, multiple global conflicts and an onslaught of harrowing images…
En este año de mega-elecciones con más de 60 países celebrando comicios, múltiples conflictos globales y una avalancha de imágenes…
Hoy celebramos un hito que hace apenas unos meses era tan solo una idea en nuestra mente. Como os contamos…
Help us bring to life the mental health revolution in journalism! We seek a part-time Business Development Manager who can…
The Self-Investigation lanza un nuevo programa de formación y coaching en salud mental para líderes de organizaciones de fact-checking. La convocatoria de solicitudes está abierta hasta el 8 de febrero.
The Self-Investigation is launching a new mental health training and coaching program for leaders at fact-checking organizations. Applications are due…